Floor Guide

Multi-Story Ward
Health Care Center(Reception,Cashier) 8
Health Care Center 7
Ward 601~616 6
Ward 501~520 551~567 5 Outpatient Building
Ward East Wing 401~414, West Wing 451~463
Dialysis Room
4 Meeting Room, Library
Ward East Wing 301~314, West Wing 351~365 3 Physicians' Office,
General Planning Department,
Accounting Department
Operation Room,
Central Supply Room,
Rehabilitation Center
2 Plastic Surgery, Urology, Ophthalmology,
Otorhinolaryngology, Dermatology,
Maxillofacial & Dental Surgery,
Nutrition Counseling Room,
Chemotherapy Center, Rest Area
Emergency Outpatient Services,
Examination Room, Radiology Room,
Medical Administration Department,
Pharmacy Department,
Nighttime Reception Desk, Store
1 Information Counter/Outpatient Reception/
Cashier, Orthopedics, Neurosurgery,
Internal Medicine, Surgery,
Hospital Admission Reservation Center,
International Assistance Desk,
Medical Collaboration and Patient Support Center,
Home-visit Nursing Care Station
Cardiovascular Imaging Room, Lithotripsy Room,
Nuclear Medicine Examination Room,
Nutrition Management Room
B1 Disaster Prevention Center,
Parking Lot (Use the elevator by the store)


1st Floor/Stores

Please inquire at the hospital office for business hours.


Base 1 Floor/Parking lot

There is limited parking capacity, and it will likely be crowded. We encourage you to take the subway, a train or bus.
Parking lot machines do not accept 10,000-yen bills, 5,000-yen bills, and 2,000-yen bills.
The parking lot can be used for a maximum of 24 hours.