

Admission procedure

The Admissions Team of the Medical Affairs Division is responsible for admission procedures.
On the day of admission, come to (3) Admission Reception on the first floor between 10:30 a.m. and 11 a.m.
Contact us in advance if you will not be on time.
If you will change the admission date or cancel for scheduling reasons, contact the corresponding medical departments.

Things required for admission

Hospital ID card
Health insurance card or certificates of health insurance coverage
Admission pledge
Informed Consent forms
Personal seal
Application form to use a special care room (difference not covered by insurance) and agreement to pay

*If there are changes in your health insurance card during hospitalization, promptly contact the Admissions Team of the Medical Affairs Division.
* The application to use a special care room (difference not covered by insurance) and the agreement to pay are only required if you prefer to use such a room.

Admission deposit

Out-of-pocket care: Traffic accidents (patients without a set payment method) 300,000 yen
* This is not required for patients covered by shipmen’s social insurance or health insurance.
The payment will be settled at the time of discharge at (3) Payments on the first floor.

Hospitalization fees

The costs are calculated at the end of the month (or the day of discharge). We will provide you with a bill. Take the bill to (3) Payments on the first floor to pay.
You can pay with a credit card.
* See here for details on paying with a credit card.
Where to pay: (3) Payments on the first floor
When to pay: Weekdays 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
* The receipt for the payment is required to claim a tax deduction for the medical expenses at a final return for income tax, so keep it safe.

Tokyo Takanawa Hospital was authorized by the MHLW in April 2009 to use the DPC method.
Accordingly, we calculate inpatient treatment costs according to this method. We appreciate your understanding.
The method of calculating the cost for outpatient treatments has not changed.
See for the details

Things to bring when hospitalized

Bath towels, towels
Inside footwear
Medication you are taking
Writing utensils
Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, hairbrush, shampoo, etc.)
Other things as explained during outpatient care

* You can buy the aforementioned items at the store on the first floor of the hospital.
* To prevent theft, do not bring large quantities of cash or other valuables.

There is a storage box or security box for each patient in every hospital room.

1. Procedure on the day of admission

The Admissions Team of the Medical Affairs Division is responsible for admission procedures.
On the day of admission, come to (3) Admission Receptionon the first floor between 10:30 a.m. and 11 a.m.
Contact us in advance if you will not be on time.
If you change the admission date or cancel for scheduling reasons, contact the corresponding medical departments.

2. Things required for the admission procedure

Hospital ID card* This will be kept in the ward while you are hospitalized and returned to you upon discharge.
Health insurance cardorcertificates of health insurance coverage* If there are changes in your health insurance card during hospitalization, promptly contact the Admissions Team of the Medical Affairs Division.
Admission pledge* Requires a personal seal.
Informed Consent forms* Require a personal seal.
The application form to use a special care room (difference not covered by insurance) and the agreement to pay are only required if you prefer to use such a room.

3. Admission deposit

Admission deposit (not required for patients covered by shipment’s social insurance or health insurance)

* Out-of-pocket care: Traffic accidents (patients without a set payment method) 300,000 yen
We will issue a deposit slip. Keep it safe until you are discharged.
The deposit is settled at (3) Payments on the first floor during discharge.

4. Inpatient facilities

Hospital rooms have four or two beds or are private rooms.
See here for images of the hospital rooms.

5. Meals

Breakfast will be served at 8 a.m., lunch at 12 p.m., and dinner at 6 p.m.
We provide therapeutic meals and a menu to choose from, and we use an insulated service wagon to ensure that food is delivered hot or cold as appropriate.
If the food or drink is not a part of a therapeutic meal, you can have the meal after it has been checked by your doctor or nurse.

6. Bathing and showering

There is a bathing room on each floor. Check the time of your reservation before entering.
(You need permission from your primary physician to take a bath.)

7. Spending time while hospitalized

Drinking alcohol is prohibited during hospitalization.
Smoking is prohibited inside the hospital.
Use the TV installed by your bed, and use earphones when watching TV.
Let your primary physician or nurse know if you would like to be on an outing from the hospital or overnight out of the hospital.
The lights are turned off at 9 p.m. If you need anything after the lights are turned off, call a nurse.
Cellphones can cause medical devices to malfunction. Keep them turned off outside of the designated areas.
If an earthquake or other disaster occurs, follow the instructions of nurses, doctors, and other staff.
We are actively taking measures to ensure safe medical care for patients and prevent medical accidents. Accordingly, we ask an inpatient to cooperate with wearing a wrist band for identification.
If you want to bring a computer, a game player, etc., you must tell us in advance and get approval from your primary physician.

8. Visitation hours

The visitation hours are as follows.

On weekdays 3 p.m. to 8 p.m.
On Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.

9. Hospitalization fees

The cost will be calculated at the end of the month (or the day of discharge), and we will provide you with a bill. Take the bill to (3) Payments on the first floor to pay.
Where and when to pay

Where to pay: (3) Payments on the first floor
When to pay:On weekdays 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
The receipt for the payment is required to claim a tax deduction for the medical expenses at a final return for income tax, so keep it safe.

10. Discharge procedure

You need permission from your primary physician to be discharged.
When you are discharged, pay at (3) Payments on the first floor. (If we collected a deposit from you at the time of admission, bring your deposit slip with you.)
The discharge time is 9:30 a.m. If you would like to be discharged before 9:30 a.m., tell a ward nurse in advance.
When you are discharged, check your visit appointment(s) for follow-up outpatient examinations.
If we have X-rays or other documents from other hospitals, let us know, and we will return them to you at the time of discharge.

11. Inquiries regarding hospitalization, etc.

For details, contact us below.
Admissions Team, Medical Affairs Division TEL:03-3443-9191 内線1125・1126
Mondays through Fridays 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Closed on weekends and holidays
If you have issues or concerns related to admission or discharge, a specialist counselor will provide you with answers. Talk to the Medical Cooperation & Patient Support Center or our staff.

12.Guide to medical welfare consultations

Medical Cooperation & Patient Support Center

Our hospital has specialist counselors who provide support from the perspective of social welfare to patients with concerns regarding admission and discharge.

Let us know if you have the following kinds of concerns

How do I use the systems available to me for recuperation at home? (Visiting care, at-home care services, house calls, etc.)
How do I use welfare facilities such as geriatric homes or medical facilities? (Special geriatric care homes, geriatric health facilities, recuperative medical facilities, etc.)
How do I apply for a physical disability certificate, and what services can I use if I have one? (Rehabilitation medicine, medical subsidies, and other services)
How do I apply for a disability pension, and how do I use health insurance systems? (High-cost medical expenses, illness/injury benefits, ongoing medical fees covered by insurance, etc.)

Consultation procedure

If you would like a consultation, talk to the Medical Cooperation & Patient Support Center. (If you cannot come due to your medical condition, tell a doctor, nurse, or other available staff.)
Your personal information will be strictly protected.
Consultations are free.
Counselors may not be available at all times. You can call in advance to set a date and time.

Medical Cooperation & Patient Support Center

03-3443-9191 Extensions 2072,2005,2141

[Reception hours]
On weekdays 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

13. Calculation of hospitalization fees (DPC/POPS)

Calculation method for inpatient treatment costs has been changed.
Tokyo Takanawa Hospital was authorized by the MHLW in April 2009 to use the DPC method. Therefore, we appreciate your understanding regarding the change to the calculation of inpatient treatment costs. The method of calculating the cost for outpatient treatments has not changed.

See here for details.

14. Protection of personal information

To ensure safe and comfortable medical care for patients, we have a thorough system in place for handling personal information.

Why personal information is used

We use the personal information of patients for the purposes described here.If personal information must be used for purposes other than described, we will ask again for your consent.

Disclosure, correction, and termination of use of personal information

We disclose, correct, and terminate the use of patients’ personal information according to the Act on the Protection of Personal Information.